Doctor Nader Azizi

Our vision has been a long time in the making. We see an interconnected network of quality caregivers coming together to share the benefits of their experiences and expertise in favor of achieving the best treatment outcomes. We exist to create positive endodontic treatment experiences for all stakeholders, while we continue to search for new ways to simplify the way we communicate.

​Traditional attempts at effective collaboration had variable downfalls. Communication was made difficult by the nature of geographic separation of isolated dental practices. This was compounded by the varied record keeping protocols, which undermined all efforts made in developing seamless collaborations. Patients often felt frustrated by the lack  of communication among teams of providing professionals. Redundancies in testing and information gathering contribute to increasing cost of care, and over-extension of patient's resources and general safety. Most importantly, lack of communication in a collaborative healthcare environment may impact the quality of treatment, treatment outcome, and the overall treatment experience.

Today, available communication technology allows us to connect in real-time. Secure lines of communication through both stationary and mobile electronic devices make instantaneous transfer of information possible. We live at a time where collaborating providers can have more meaningful and efficient exchange of information in support of shared treatment objects.  Patients are encouraged to become partners in care by assuming a more active and responsible role in prevention of disease, sequencing of treatment, and follow-up needs. We provide the means to simplify the way we communicate, so we all can coordinate our efforts into achieving our common goals.

In this "Brave New World", access to care and specialized support and services is as simple as touching a button. Collaborating stakeholders (patients, generalist providers, specialist providers) can formulate plans which best support the expected outcomes, coordinate care, deliver efficient treatment, and stay in touch throughout the entire process to make sure your care moves along an expected and seamless path to recovery.   

​We are your root canal treatment specialists. Our primary obligation is, and will always be, to provide high quality treatment and care to our community. Our mission is to improve your endodontic treatment experience through better communication and coordination of services.

Nader Azizi, DDS, MS

Root Canal Specialist


​​TEL: 631. 417. 3636